These events foster collaboration, creativity, and conscious engagement within the Mindfullii community.

They offer fun opportunities to connect, support local Mindful Makers, and make a positive impact together.


Our "Workshop" events are immersive and educational experiences that allow participants to actively engage in learning, self-expression, and personal growth. These events offer transformative experiences that foster a sense of community among participants who share a common interest in Mindful Maker offerings. Through interactive sessions, participants learn from experienced professionals, engage in hands-on activities, and connect with like-minded individuals. Workshops are led by experts within our Mindfullii community who offer attendees practical tools, insights, and guidance for a more mindful lifestyle.


Our “Grassroots” event category is dedicated to creating intentional, fun, and impactful experiences that bring our community together to collaborate, support local non-profit organizations, and make a positive difference. These events emphasize the power of collaboration, social responsibility, and collective action. By harnessing creativity, expertise, and our collective resources, these gatherings foster a sense of purpose, inspire positive change, and create a lasting impact on local non-profit organizations and our community as a whole.


Our "Celebration" events foster connections, celebrate collaboration, and create engaging artful exhibitions. These events aim to cultivate belonging, while promoting the work of Mindful Makers. These gatherings provide a platform for artists to showcase their talents and create memorable experiences. They honor the outstanding work, achievements, and impact of individuals within our community. They serve as catalysts for collaboration, inspiration, and a sense of unity within our Mindfullii community.


These events serve as a catalyst for collaboration, creativity, and conscious content creation, providing individuals with an experience that resonates with their artistic vision while amplifying the impact of Mindful Makers.


Our "Feature" events are centered around creating video content spotlighting our Mindfullii community while elevating Mindful Maker products. Participants book a timed slot to be featured in our YouTube series. On video shoot day, we capture content that aligns with their offerings and incorporates Mindful Maker offerings. The videos created during these events are then shared on YouTube and our social media channels, allowing for a broader audience to discover our content, Mindful Maker offerings, and community members.


Our "Collaboration" events are immersive experiences designed for our Mindfullii community, offering a space to connect and collaborate on creating impactful campaigns that elevate Mindful Makers. These curated events are designed to foster connections among like-minded conscious content creators. Participants gain access to a unique platform that allows them to get artistic, network, and collaborate with fellow artists who share a passion for creating content with a purpose. By joining forces, participants can tap into their diverse expertise, skills, and talents to produce meaningful content.


Our "Capture" events are content creation days designed for Mindful Makers to elevate their brand. Mindful Makers book a timed slot at our photoshoot event to capture convenient, affordable, and professional brand content. These events make it easy for Mindful Makers to create a great first impression, save time when creating marketing content, and build their brand trust. Our intention is to offer Mindful Makers the tools and resources to grow their businesses, confidently be seen by the world, and increase their positive impact.